Keeping Safe

Keeping safe: Safeguarding

Most of the time in church we are like a big happy family, but even in very close families people can have a bad day and say or do something that might upset us.

When you come to church we want you to have good days all of the time. We try to make sure that people who have jobs in the church always behave well and in a way that is helpful to you. We never want anyone or anything in church to leave you feeling worried, confused or frightened. It's important that you tell us if you are feeling upset or worried about something that is happening or something somebody is doing. We have specially trained people who you can talk to and ask for help. These people are good at safeguarding and it means they look after everyones safety. Caring for people is an important part of our Christian life.

Everyone has a responsibility to safeguard children, young people and adults who may be at risk of abuse. If you have a concern about the immediate safety of a child then you should call the Police on 999. 

If you have any safeguarding concerns or queries in relation to St George's Church, then please contact our Parish Safeguarding Officers, Ken Barnard or Jennifer Coman using the email address shown below: 

If you are under 18 and worried about yourself, then please phone ChildLine on 0800 1111

If you prefer to speak to someone outside of the church you can contact the Diocese of Lincoln Safeguarding team